Depending on when our "new" birthday has started and where we have spent our birthday the rising sign for the year also changes.
This is one of the most critical points in the chart since the planet ruling our AC becomes the chart ruler for the year. Where this ruler falls provides valuable reading information, the aspects it makes is also important. But above all the sign sets a tone for the year. What I mean by this.
If Solar AC falls into Aries - we have new opportunities in our life.
Taurus is a fixed sign and might mean we need to build, make efforts, be stubborn.
Gemini brings more studies, young people and dealings with our relatives.
Cancer would indicate starting a family, taking care of a family member or grow rooots.
Leo is all about our children, taking risks, becoming a true leader but also a lot of fun.
Virgo might indicate a need to take care of our health, be more organized, build a structure of some kind.
Libra will require us to pay attention to our close relationships and partnerships.
When the solar rising is Scorpio for sure it brings losses of some kind and life- transforming influences.
This way each sign brings our focus to the new themes that entrees our and puts benefits and challenges in front of us.
Important to mention about the rising / AC for the solar year is also the house it falls into.
If this is the 12th house we can expect dealing with hospitals, jail, enemies, social isolation or mental health issue, abuse of drugs and alcohol.
When the solar AC falls into 10th house this can indicate promotion, new career path or even marriage.
If it hits our 9th house we can be challenged to travel abroad, finish our education or start teaching.
All of these factors are measured and calculated when Solar return consultation is held.
Of course, the Solar return gives in-depth knowledge of what is coming in the year, but also we should always look back to see what has happened so far and look ahead to see how things play out.
Now is the time to book your consultation. Look me up at :
